Where to Start Creating Continents


Though adding land features is part of the next chapter, making a list of the ones we’d like to include can help us determine how large a continent we need. Our story requirements can also help this. An early decision is hemisphere, as this determines whether hot or cold is north or south. We might also want to know other continents’ direction and distance, as this influences population and more; try not to think of the continent as an island. We should also determine where bays and other water ways are when drawing our map, as this can influence the sovereign powers we place there. I recommend following the steps in the bonus chapter, “Drawing Maps.” We can also start by imagining what powers we’d like in various areas of the land mass and rough ideas on their world view and impact, which can be fleshed out more by following Chapter 6, “Creating a Sovereign Power.” There’s no right or wrong way to start creating a continent because it’s somewhat vague until we start filling it in, so use whatever inspires you to get going.
